Cafe Coffee Desserts Western

Cafe-Hopping: Penny University

After our first cafe-hopping experience (where we went to Waffle Slayer, Spatula Bakery and The Royals Cafe), Mariem and I have become addicted to cafe-hopping. Today we went on our second round of cafe-hopping. First stop, Penny University. This is the reason why this cafe is named Penny University. True to its name, the interior […]

Chinese Western

Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe

I am not a fan of chain restaurants, but Carmen is addicted to Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe, so I have been to my fair share of Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe. Iced Fresh Soy Milk doesn’t quite taste like the freshly-made ones you get at hawker centres. It is very creamy and milk, it […]


Muthu’s Curry

Muthu’s Curry is one of the South Indian restaurants that has made it very big in Singapore. It’s signature dish, Fish Head Curry, has been featured in numerous publications and is loved by many Singaporeans.  I generally try to stay away from chain restaurants because they are generally over-priced and the service is not very […]


[Closed] Pack’d: Sandwiches, Soups and Salads

Following Pack’d: Mains and Desserts, this post is going to focus on sandwiches, soups and salads.  The sandwiches are prepared beforehand. The sauce is added after popping it into the oven for a few minutes. Everything is fresh and healthy. There are six flavours to choose from, you will not get bored. There are six salads […]


W39 Bistro & Bakery – Desserts in the West

It seems like finding a restaurant that serves good desserts in the West side of Singapore is almost impossible until I found out from Burpple that W39 Bistro & Bakery is known for their desserts. The last time I had Brunch at W39 Bistro & Bakery, I was seated outside because the indoor seating was […]


The Tiny Roaster – Specialty Coffee in the West

If you are a coffee lover and you love specialty coffee, The Tiny Roasters is a coffee place you might want to explore.  As the name suggests, the place is tiny. Nestled in HDB blocks, the coffee place was recently set-up in 2013. They serve many different kinds of coffee, the coffee beans are roasted […]


Jalan Kayu Prata Cafe (West Coast Plaza)

Now people residing in the West can also get to enjoy the famous Jalan Kayu pratas without having to travel halfway across Singapore. I don’t know how authentic the Jalan Kayu Prata Cafe is, but it does serve its purpose of providing tasty Indian food to the residents in the area. It is a prata […]


Fish Mart Sakuraya (West Coast Plaza)

If you are staying in the West and you want to have Japanese food, Fish Mart Sakuraya is a choice to consider. The Chara Mushi is smooth and delicious. You can taste the chicken broth and pieces of chicken and mushroom. The steamed egg is silky smooth and slips right down your throat. Be careful, […]

Desserts Western

[Closed] Pack’d: Mains and Desserts

Pack’s is really more of a sandwich and salad shop than a full-fledge restaurant, the perfect place to grab a quick bite during lunch. Whoever does the marketing has done a pretty good job, huge posters of delicious food tempts me every time I walk past. It looks high class, doesn’t it? Actually, this is […]


Churrosity – Churros in the West

I have never heard this Spanish snack called churros until today. Churros is made of choux (a light pastry dough that contains butter, water, flour, and eggs that employs high moisture content to create steam during cooking to puff the pastry – Wikipedia).  Mariem especially wanted to try Churrosity, so here we are. Churrosity is the only churros take-away shop […]